Once hailed as "The Voice of the Voiceless," Henry Costa has emerged as one of the most inconsistent and controversial figures in postwar Liberian politics. His mercurial nature and penchant for shifting allegiances have left many questioning his true motives and integrity. Costa's journey from firebrand radio host to political aspirant has been marked by a series of contradictions and alleged acts of blackmail, making him a cautionary tale for Liberia's youth interested in politics. Since the regime of Madam Sirleaf, Costa has allegedly acted as a hired gun propagandist, reportedly paid by some politicians to denigrate their competitors or anyone perceived as a threat.
Costa's inconsistency in supporting political candidates is perhaps his most glaring flaw. Initially a staunch supporter of Joseph Boakai and the Unity Party, Costa abruptly severed ties with Boakai in 2023, citing "betrayal and broken promises"2. During the 2023 campaign, Costa relentlessly insulted Boakai while vociferously supporting George Weah. He even directed insults towards Benoni Urey around the same time. However, within a year, following Weah's loss, Costa returned to Boakai, reportedly seeking favor, and redirected his criticism toward Weah.
Such erratic behavior suggests a lack of principled commitment to any particular political ideology or leader, instead hinting at a self-serving agenda. Regardless of what people do for him, if that stops for a moment, you become his target. The allegations of blackmail against Costa are numerous and deeply concerning. The Independent Civil Society Network of Liberia (ICSNL) threatened legal action against Costa in 2019 for "slander and blackmailing against prominent Liberian citizens"3. The organization described Costa as a "paid agent" and "mouth-spewing" talk show host who regularly defamed reputable individuals without evidence. This pattern of behavior has led many to view Costa not as a champion of the people, but as an opportunist willing to tarnish reputations for personal gain.
Costa's methods of operation have drawn criticism from various quarters. The ICSNL accused him of "extorting money from people and maligning the characters of others who he fails to grab cash from"3. This alleged behavior paints a picture of a man who uses his platform not for the public good, but as a tool for personal enrichment and settling scores. Such actions, if true, represent a gross abuse of the power that comes with media influence.
The Liberian government's response to Costa's activities further underscores the controversial nature of his conduct.
Costa's behavior sets a dangerous precedent for young Liberians aspiring to enter politics. Instead of demonstrating integrity, consistency, and a commitment to public service, Costa's actions suggest that political success can be achieved through manipulation, character assassination, and self-interest. This toxic example threatens to perpetuate a cycle of corruption and instability in Liberian politics.
The inconsistency in Costa's political allegiances raises questions about his true motivations. His rapid transitions from supporter to critic of various political figures suggest a lack of genuine conviction. This fickleness not only undermines his credibility but also contributes to the overall instability of Liberia's political landscape, where loyalty and principles seem to be commodities easily traded for personal gain.
Henry Costa's political career serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing Liberian democracy. His alleged soullessness, manifested through inconsistent support, blackmail accusations, and self-serving behavior, represents everything that principled politics should stand against. As Liberia continues its journey towards stable governance, it is crucial that the next generation of leaders learn from Costa's negative example and instead choose a path of integrity, consistency, and genuine public service.
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